Monday, June 18, 2012

Weigh In #7

Alright...just finished week seven. I'm down another pound, which hasn't made up for my stupid gain, but my total loss right now is 6.6lbs. My grandparents are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary this November and my mom mentioned that we are all going to have family pictures taken. Those of you who are facebook friends with me know that it is a rare thing indeed for me to allow myself to be photographed. Since I have gained all of this weight (I blame my children), my confidence has shattered. I feel old. I feel ugly. And I'm depressed and moody more often than I'd like. So... I really would like to lose 50lbs in the next 5 months. I'm going to have to bust my rear to do it, but I think it's totally possible. I NEED HELP! I need to keep my motivation and I need reminders of why I'm doing this and I need someone to say, "Hey! Let's go walking!" (even if it's remotely) because I can't afford to hit the gym like I really need to. Anyway, I'm a little bit of a Debbie Downer today. Just tired mostly. There was drama at the ballfields that didn't involve our team so some of the nosier parents (you know I'm included in that group! LOL) stuck around to see what was going to happen. There were six or eight police cars that showed up!!! Anyway, so we didn't get the kids to bed until nearly 11 and there was laundry and stuff to do after that. Hope everyone has a great weekend!

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