Monday, June 18, 2012

Weigh In 06/15/2012‏

Happy Friday!!! Well, I didn't get in 8 miles this week like I'd hoped. :-( But I did do 5.74 miles on the treadmill and this meant that I was on the treadmill FIVE DAYS this week! That's something decently special, especially since I didn't feel well on Wednesday. AND, I did something I swore I would never do... I JOGGED!!! Not a lot. My endurance sucks, but every time I'm on the treadmill, I try to go a little bit further than the last time. I lost 0.3 lbs this week, so I'm back where I was 2 weeks ago. Down 6.6 lbs total. That is fairly disappointing. At this rate, I will not be losing the weight I want to lose by November. But a friend who is becoming very dear to me pointed out that the scale is not the only way to measure success, so this morning I also took body measurements. I did it myself, so I reserve the right to have slightly different measurements next week when I have some help. Patrick has been off work this week, so he was still sleeping this morning and I have no idea how his weigh-in went. I have a sneaking suspicion that he won't do it. Competition is still on (even though he doesn't know it). I found a spreadsheet from when I tried to lose weight in January of this year. It seems I'm always starting a diet! Anyway, in January I was 1.1 lbs less than when I started this journey back in April. So pretty close to the same weight. So I'm using those body measurements and pretending I was exactly the same size in April. (I hope this is making sense). Subtracting today's measurements from those, I have lost 3.34 inches total. Not too shabby for only 6.6 lbs. The cool part is that a whole inch of that was off my waist. Having a waist again is one of my biggest desires! I'm not sure how often I should do the measurements...weekly, biweekly, monthly? Did any of you watch Extreme Makeover: Weightloss Edition? The lady on there weighed 355 lbs. My kids said, "Mom! She looks just like you...except for the face and hair." They are so concerned about me "losing my tummy" so I can wear dresses again. But while the woman's journey was obviously made for television (she actually quit her job to lose weight), her story was inspiring and I highly recommend watching it online if you can find it. I can't remember if it was on that show or if it was something I saw on Pinterest or Facebook, but there is a saying that caught my attention and is something I need to tape to the walls in every room of my house. IF YOU'RE TIRED OF STARTING OVER, STOP GIVING UP. Wow. I cannot begin to count the number of times I've started dieting or exercising and even when I've been successful, I've made excuses at some point why I should stop or why I didn't want to worry about it any more. So I'm hoping that even when I have slow weeks or bad weeks, that I remember to not stop. I want to keep going, because I don't want to start over anymore. My e-mails to you all are still such a huge motivator for me. And your feedback means more than any of you could possibly imagine. Thank you so much!!!

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