Monday, June 18, 2012

Okay, World...

I am fat. I've always thought of myself as fat. When I was just in gradeschool, my Gramps told me, "If you could lose just ten pounds, you would be so pretty!" He didn't mean to be offensive. He's just from a generation that perceives fat people as being slovenly and lazy and gluttonous. My generation knows that we sit at desks all day and rush around trying to make every social engagement or ball practice or... And we eat fast food, because who has time to cook, much less exercise? A couple of months ago, I asked a group of friends and family members, people that are fairly close to me, to join me as I started Weight Watchers. No one was interested, so I started the journey on my own and every week, I e-mail those same people my progress (or lack of it), my goals, and my setbacks. I am putting those e-mails in blog form, to have something to look back on and, I guess, let the rest of the world in on what I am doing. Comments, advice, and encouragement are always welcome!

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