Monday, June 18, 2012

Weigh In #5?

Due to car problems, I totally didn't send an e-mail Friday. I'm sure most of you are okay with that, but I really need to send these because I HAVE to have someone to hold me accountable! This week I was down 1.8lbs!!! For a total loss of 7.2lbs! I'm so excited, because I realllllllllly want to see my first 10lbs gone. I still can't tell a difference in my clothes yet, but I *think* I can see a difference in my face. I might just be getting a tan from the ballgames, too. Fat sure looks better tan! hahaha! Anyway, I wanted to say that I love getting the responses from you guys and I am so excited that several of you are on your own journey to be healthier. It makes me feel not so alone in this.

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